The exhibition follows a path through the ages, examining major events and people who made Stirling and the surrounding area such an important place in the history of Scotland.
- Start your Journey with pre-historic whale bones, bronze- age cists and Roman pottery.
- Learn about William Wallace, King Robert the Bruce and the Wars of Independence
- Discover how Scottish democracy was founded in the streets of Stirling
- Find the world’s oldest football – did it really belong to Mary Queen of Scots?
- Pick a Trade, learn about the 7 Incorporated Trades, the Polmaise Miners and the 1984/85 strike
- What did a WWII prisoner of war Nissan hut look like inside?
- Drop by the Hayes Music, shop front, do you recognise any of the records?
- All the family can dress up in costume as they explore the galleries.
Colouring and brass rubbing stations for the children.